Sunday, March 22, 2009


We traveled to OK this weekend to hike, bike ride, and hang out with friends. Here is Katie exploring the cabin. Here we are hiking in Beaver's Bend.
Katie had time on the trip to hone her Rock Band skills.
If a career in rock doesn't pan out, there is always geology...

Katie didn't want Daddy to wear a helmet. She dislikes her helmet, baseball caps, and party hats - see previous posts. I didn't hear Jon say not to wash his manly black arm warmers. They completely unravelled. In a pinch, Katie's pastel pink Baby Legs worked.
Katie's second favorite thing about the trip, after tasting rocks, was scooting through the cabin in this bucket. This video is about the 4th or 5th time across the length of the cabin, so my speed is not as exhilarating as the first scoot.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kiss me, I'm Irish, wearing a hair barrette, and walking!

Katie celebrated St. Patty's Day by wearing her shamrock dress and matching socks.

For the first time ever she wore a hair barrette. It was green of course!

I met a Food Network host, and one of my celebrity crushes, Tyler Florence at Central Market in Plano. He was there promoting his new baby food line. Katie will be sampling his food soon. I'll report here.

The moment we've all been waiting for...She's walking!! Watch her here and here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Big One

Carrot Cupcakes

This is how Katie feels about hats.

Her first party dress.

Katie celebrated her first birthday with a party Saturday, March 14. Lots of family came to share in the festivities. She loved everything about the day except the party hat.

Beware the Ides of March! We took a picture of Katie waking up as a one year old. Here it is.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cherry Sweet

Katie wore cute sandals today. Here are pictures to prove it.

Pardon her messiness. She just enjoyed guacamole and beans.