Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble, gobble (at least the male turkeys do seasonally when sleepy)

I made Katie some play food for Thanksgiving. She loves her roast turkey. She gives it hugs and kisses. I hope she isn't too traumatized when she finds out where turkey dinners come from.

Yes, the drumsticks detach.

Punkin' Pie

Thanksgiving morning we ran the Turkey Trot. Here's K and Daddy bundled up to race.

Mawhner/Grandma's favorite trotters.

Our racing team ready to run! Jon is not happy I used my whole neck to smile in this picture.

Can you tell what I am most thankful for? No, it's not the stroller! Guess again.

We had an early dinner at Grandma/Mawhner and Granddad's. Look Jon's "don't show the teeth smile" is possibly a family trait.

Here's Memaw T cookin' it up. You know it was good!

The feast!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

working 9-5

well, more like 7:30-7:32. but she got a lot done. don't you wish you could go to your office in footie pjs?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Musical Invention & A Good Dog

Katie created this chair xylophone with map pencils while I made dinner.

Abbey is a good dog. We should feature her on the blog more often.

An afternoon walk

I told K to go get her shoes so we could take a walk. Here's what she came up with.

Friday, November 13, 2009

4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

Katie is learning to count. Smarty pants!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Mr. Owly

Would I buy this if I saw it at a garage sale for 50 cents? Probably not.

If I spent a couple of months cutting, appliqueing, sewing, and stuffing this little owl pillow, I would keep it forever displaying it with love and pride.

I used a pattern for the cutest part, the owl. You can get it here if you want to make yourself one of these. Or you can ask me to make you one, but it'll take about 4 months!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween - The Real Deal and Aftermath

Here are a few pics Granddad and Grandma, or Mahner as Katie refers to her, took on Halloween.

While K was celebrating at home with the grandparents and cousins, Jon and I were in NYC carbo loading on spaghetti! I saw Elmo - and a few less appropriate costumes - on Times Square.

The next day we ran 26.2 miles.

Then had pizza and dessert.

This video is of Jon after the marathon. Watch the little old lady pass him! A man offered us $20 to pay for a bike cab across the park. Jon looked so pitiful the man didn't think he could make it. Jon gutted it out to the next park bench for a little rest. Then he was fine.

Thanks for helping Jon raise support for Team for Kids and his first marathon!

Back at home, right when we really needed to catch up on laundry, errands, and housekeeping, K and Mommy were hit with nasty colds. This book makes K-T feel better.

I have read it 15 times in 3 days. So if you ever need help with your horse...