Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Villagers

*UPDATE - Jon just confessed he was playing Christmas village with K-T this morning!

My Grandmother had a miniature Christmas village that she displayed in her bay window each year.  I don't think I was allowed to touch it.  When no one was looking, I would peek inside the houses and move the ice skaters around on the mirror pane skate pond.  I was always careful to return the pieces to their original locations.  Somebody at my house is not being so careful!

These trees were artfully spaced between the homes and shops.  Now they have been assembled for a tree lot.

Look at this guy dragging his dog into the antique shop.  The antique shop that now resides in the center of the skate pond. 

Oh my!  Carolers or angry mob?

Here's an arial view so you can get a better feel for the crowd's vibe.

I was at the dentist this morning while Jon "watched" Katie. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Ice Skating Show

We took Katie to see Disney Princesses on Ice.  She called it the ice skating show.  Look at our eyes all agog below.  Katie is taking in the elaborate set design.  I am taking in the price of the snow cones - $15.  I am sure they were magical snow cones that make all your wishes come true, but they looked like the crunchy kind that came from a Snoopy Sno-Cone machine.

Daddy let Katie select a magic wand.  She chose Ariel.  It lights up and plays Under the Sea.  Later at home she discovered you can make a lot of noise if you press the wand button and the button on her Christmas singing dog simultaneously.  It's better than magic.

Separate from the ice skating show, Jon bought me this hat.  I expressed a desire to own a winter hat with a large pom pom on the top.  I think he found the perfect one.

Katie is magic wanding the tree.

Oh and take a look at the coat she is wearing.  When I put it on her, she said, "Now I'm like a monkey."  Must be the color and feel of the velour.

After the show, Dad thought, and Katie agreed, the evening should be topped off with dessert.  She chose a white cupcake with sprinkles.  Yum.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


We started our Thanksgiving with parade watching and breakfast at Grandma and Grandpa's house  The parade inspired K-T to do a show of her own.  Here's Aunt B clapping out a rhythm for the dancers.

Dancer #1 is Grandma!

Dancer #2 and Tambourinist is K-T.

The music never stops!  At my Aunt D's house the wee ones rocked out on the electric piano.  No, they aren't smiling for the photo, but they are both looking at the camera.  That's priceless.

A wildly competitive bingo game took place after dinner.

Is it weird that on this most food-centric of holidays I have no photos of our yummy meals?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Picnic at the Park with Dad

Great start to my day off.  Bike ride with Katie and then mid-morning snack at the park.  Katie ate pretty much every snack that Carrie packed.  Close to 80 degrees today and then tomorrow it will be in the low 30s.  Got to love Texas weather!  

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes We Don't Understand...

...what she thinks she is doing!
Good thing Daddy decided to scoop the backyard!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pregnastic (12 weeks)

Baby Bundt is the now the size of a kiwi.  Only 196 days to go!

And I am the size of a...

I did not forget about the props.  Here you go!

Here's a link to a picture of me 12 weeks pregnant with Katie.

Oh and at our last sonogram, the sono tech and the doctor separately guessed Baby Bundt's gender.  That makes three votes for female, if you count mine too.  We'll let you know if anything, uh, develops on the gender front at 20 weeks.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good One!

You got me - twice! See, I forgot all about the little rubber mouse someone left by my mailbox. So this one prank got two loud gasps from me! K thinks it is going to jump at her. Touche!
I have no idea who the guilty party is, but I have a few guesses. Watch out folks. Me and Mousie are planning our revenge!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quotes and Quips #4 and Call Ripley's

Daddy helped K with her morning routine, so I could stay in bed for a few more minutes today. Here is a snippet from their conversation.

Daddy: I've got to go to work soon.

Katie: At the zoo?

Heeheehee. I guess Dad's descriptions of work are making an interesting impression on K-T.

Look what she chose to wear today! I can't believe it's not a dress!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quotes and Quips #3

Katie: I wanna blow you up in the sky with a magic wand.

Me: I'm not sure that sounds nice.

Katie: I'm not being nice.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Turkey T

Meme and Papa came over today and dressed this lil' turkey in her turkey t-shirt.

I think she is doing the claw again. Go Rangers! I never knew she was such a fan. It's Daddy's influence.