Monday, February 14, 2011

The End of an Era/The Paci Fairy

The last showing of K's super dooper funny paci trick.
The favorite (and least expensive) prize the paci fairy left as consolation.

These pictures leave out the more anguish ridden aspects of the paci withdrawals and subsequent symptoms.  
I guess it hasn't been too bad.  There was an excruciating bedtime.  There was an almost nonexistent nap.  Then I told Jon it was breaking my heart and he had to be in charge of the next bedtime.  

Dad's ready for the worst.
He tucks her in to bed.
Turns off the light.
Says goodnight.

Kate asks him to check on her in ten minutes.  

He gets busy and doesn't go back to check on her for closer to thirty minutes.  When he does, she is sound ASLEEP.

So unfair!!!!
But I am happy for Katie that the transition, while not smooth, was at least quick!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pregabulous (24 weeks and 1 day)

 24 weeks and Baby Bundt is the size of a large zucchini.  Hmmm...obviously not a precise measurement.
 Comparing our bellies - I win!
Feeding veggie Baby Bundt to the dog after the photo shoot is starting to worry me.  I just know if I leave the room after BB arrives, K is going to be feeding her to Abs as a snack.

Big Girl Bed

Katie's big girl bed got set up last night.  Thanks, Dad and Grandpa!

K was so excited; we had to pull her off a dozen times to get the sheets and quilt on the bed.

Giving the big bed the reading comfort test.  It passed.  And get a look at how many books you can get in this size bed!!!

Cute opossum!

Did she stay in the bed all night?  Yep!

I told her the bed rail kept her in at night, so as long as she believes that, we are set.

This went so well, we are ready for the paci fairy to visit tonight.  I'm willing to bet the pictures of that milestone are going to be less cute and more traumatic.  Say bedtime prayers for us!  Please!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big Sis Practice

Kennedy is staying with us today.  Katie loves practicing being the big sister.  So far, she helped fasten a diaper, put a bib on, and fed Ken some yogurt.  Not exactly like it will be with a newborn that NEVER LEAVES, but good practice for me and Kate.

Click here to see the big sis in action.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Party!

Super Bowl Party with Family!  Great times and one of the best games ever!  

Pre-game activities included reading

And then some snacks

and more snacks!

Halftime show including performances by Mad-Dog and K!
 Katie enjoyed the Black Eye Peas!