Monday, August 31, 2009

Last weekend Jon rode 100 miles at the HHH in Wichita Falls. He finished it with a 20.5 mile per hour pace. The next morning he jogged 5 1/2 miles pushing a jog stroller. I'm impressed!

With Jon out of town, Katie and I spent time with Meme and Papa and the relatives in that neck of the woods. I tried and tried to get a good picture of Katie and Bryce (Katie's second cousin or cousin once removed - I get confused.) They were like repelling ends of magnets. Here is the best I got. Makes you appreciate photographers of the young.
Could be a rival for Katie's claim to fame as the cutest baby in the world!

Papa was able to convince Katie to try the swing in his backyard. She loves it now. "Wee, wee!" is her name for the swing. All fear cast aside, she was ready to explore the entire playground near our house this morning. She even went down the slide by herself! I intended to go with her, but she was too fast for me to catch. Abbey went down the slide and ate two packets of horseradish she found in the mulch!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Can you believe this mess?

I love this picture! Katie seems surprised, or proud, by the mess she has made in the office.

Jon likes this one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It is Sew

Yes, I am double posting today. I sewed again. This time I used a pillowcase dress tutorial to cut down one of Aunt Angela's dresses to fit Katie. I used measurements for a 2T so that Katie wouldn't outgrow it before I completed it. I think a few inches in height would make the dress safer for Katie as she is stepping on the hem now. And I do mean right now. I tried to take the garment off to hang up until an occasion called for fancy dressing. Little K will not have the dress removed. At least this means she likes it.

First Ponytail

Katie looked boyish in her Longhorn outfit, so we decided to glam it up. She chose this feathery hairband. Here are two pics of the most darling, and shortest lived, ponytail ever.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Queen of the Chair

Comforting after and preventing falls is what I am all about these days. Running, jumping, and climbing is what Katie is all about.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


In a storm a few months ago, part of my tomato plant blew over. It then grew very wild and large. So wild and large, that neither I nor the scavenging blackbirds could see the tomatoes ready for harvest. I picked these today. There were four more that had become overripe and had to be tossed. Abbey ate two of them before I intervened. And Katie managed to taste test a handful of dirt while I waded through shoulder high okra plants to get to the toms.

Imagine my surprise when I pulled this Upside-Down Deep Dish Pizza from the oven last night. Something went wrong with my sealing technique! Then imagine Jon's surprise when he realizes he grabbed the dish containing four servings of leftovers for his lunch today instead of the single portion.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Step Up to the Microphone

Uncle Heath, Aunt Anissa, and Hope bought Katie a microphone. Here is a video of her using it. She holds it very close to her mouth. You get to hear me sing on the video. As Katie would say, "Awesome!"
She is also having a lot of fun playing with her giant balloon from Aunt Diane.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boogie Star

I (Jon) am not a fan of these sunglasses that Carrie got because they are so big. They look pretty good on Katie though.

New Shirt

Katie is showing off her new shirt from Grandma. She picked out her own shoes.
Look how big Katie is getting, she can now reach more on the table tops.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The picture of Katie in black & white shows how much she is growing. Her regular length pants are turning in to capris.

The photos of her and the big bear are from her fun time spending the night with Uncle D, Aunt A, Em, and Mad Dog. Katie seemed indifferent towards us when we came to get her. I think that means she had a really good time. It looks like Madeleine was entertaining Katie while she ate.

Brown clad Katie is the latest installment in the "What Katie Wore to Church" feature on this blog.