We took road trip this weekend. The idea was to enjoy our family and the last waning days of summer. And we did do that - in between Katie's bouts of terribletwoititis. For those of you encouraging the creation of a lil' bro or lil' sis for Katie, I invite you on our next road trip. Yes, I do. Interestingly enough, K is smiling in most of these pics, but don't be fooled. She is smiling because she is masterminding her next plot to overthrow the unsuspecting parents.
Daddy and Kate say "Go Rangers!" at the Astro game.

A trip to the gift shop, and now we own a pom pon that doubles as hair accessory.

Wearing our mom and daughter sneaks to the game. Mom, want to take this to the next generation? I can get you a pair!

I took cuter pictures of Katie happily waving from the carousel, but I love the similar expressions they are wearing in this one. This was at the Houston Aquarium.

Yes, it was humid.

Daddy shows off his muscles at the Children's Museum

I know this picture takes my blog from a G rating to PG, but I can not resist! If that's not her maiden name, she LOVES her husband! This was on the road to Kemah. If I lived in her county, she'd get my vote. I wonder if her students gave her a lot of .....

All during our trip, Katie would answer any question we asked with "maybe." Maybe I will try to be more mature in the future. Or maybe not? Jon will probably start his own blog after this!
"This is my best prize ever!" That's what Katie said when her Daddy won this big fish for her on the Kemah boardwalk. Jon was looking a youthful 29 this night to the Guess Your Age Master of Ceremonies/carnie. Fish or no fish, I'd say being mistaken for 29 (as long as you are actually over 29) is worth the money to play this game. I can see how this is a gamble though. I wonder if the M.C./carnie is trained to guess low.

We were calling the fish Nemo, but Katie has never heard of him or his movie. She renamed him Nina.