We've got a new blog name in the works since we will soon be posting more about Baby Bundt. These future posts may or may not include Katie or Abbey. This is just a small taste of the changes to come. In this post, Katie will only be mentioned and not featured in any photos due to her refusal to wear pants (or dress, or skirt) this evening.
The belly at 28 weeks. Yes, it is as heavy as it looks. Not really sure where 11 more weeks of growth is going to go, but really looking forward to seeing just how big a belly can get!

According to the very scientific baby books I've been reading, Baby Bundt should be about the size of a large acorn squash at this point. Assuming I can find an acorn squash this time of year, and can then get Katie clothed, and willing to hold the aforementioned squash while I snap a picture, I will edit this post to include it.
Found one:
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