Friday, November 4, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Today, Lil' C is Five Months Old

I like eating cereal, playing pat-a-cake, and tangling my fingers in Mom's hair.

I can coo, gurgle, and blow raspberries.

I found my feet.

Skeleton Pajama Girls

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cereal Girl

We are trying to do a better job of taking photos of our 2nd child.  Here are some - first taste of cereal.  The hope was it would help her to sleep through the night, but that has not worked out (yet).

Swinging in the Rain

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Halloween Verse for You

Part of Katie's bedtime routine is to recite the scripture from the preschool curriculum at church.

She knows, "God's way is perfect." Psalm 18:30

And, "I can do all things with Christ." Philippians 4:13

Last night she wanted to tell us a verse.

"I will be a witch for Halloween."   Halloween 17:7
Uh, not sure which version of the Bible she got that one from.  Pretty sure it's not KJV ;)

Today, Lil' C is Four Months Old

I smile, laugh, and roll over.

I like my swing, light up toys, and the taste of Ritz crackers that my big sis sneaks me ;)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Seat Buckles

We found out today that we need to make sure K is all buckled when swinging in her new swing!  Nice shiner on her head.  She is doing fine now but a rough start this morning.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Night at the baseball game

Cool weather is upon us so time for an outdoor activity (besides bike riding)!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day at the Aquarium

Dad was off so we went and met family at the new Aquarium.

Short video at the Aquarium

Watching a show at the Aquarium!

Carrie got in the picture too!

Dinner time - Katie loved dinner as you can see below.