Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snow Girl

look at this pic, below, full size. what is my dog doing?

Party Girl

We celebrated K's 2 years with a party yesterday.

Before the guests arrived she practiced blowing out her candles.

I love the look on her face here. It is if she is daring anyone to take that cupcake away from her!

Grandma and Grandpa with the party girl.

Katie and Bryce (the only guest in the toddler stage) enjoyed playing with all the open gifts.

I think the thing Katie enjoyed most about the party was everyone sitting around watching her play.

How lucky is Meme?!

She was chosen, by Katie, to be in the dancing show.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

She's 2

Birthday tradition #1 - Take a photo of the birthday girl first thing in the morning. Goal for next year is no paci in the morning picture.

Gift from us - a "pit ball" like Katie's friend Jenna has at her house.

Birthday tradition #2 - Eat cake for breakfast! Thanks for this idea, Mrs. Linda!

Katie requested Grandma's "black" cake.

Monkeys at the zoo.

Photo of the first official terrible two tantrum. K was there to see animals and ride trains. She had no patience for our lunch break.

The birthday dress!

Included this one for Meme. It reminds me of a picture she has of me at the zoo looking at lizards when I was itty bitty.

Too tired to finish her banana on the ride home.

Great 2nd birthday!
Party this weekend!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Silent Movies

I am more than a little sad that the camera didn't record the sound on this video. I guess you can add your own music or sing "Father Abraham" while viewing. That's what this Little Miss Helpful was shaking her tail feathers to.

Hopefully I'll be able to catch more dance moves, with sound, in the future.

Oh, and for those of you thinking, "Why is Carrie making Katie wear tights when it is 70 degrees outside?!," it is her choice. She is in a tights wearing, hate the jog stroller, eat only cheese stage right now.

Monday, March 8, 2010

wearing a lot of hats

oops, bangs in the eyes.
oops, bangs in the eyes again!

i did not put this outfit together. it is all katie.
is it maybe time for a 1st haircut?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

let the sun shine in!

today, we played outside. hooray!

one of mom's friends, sallie, bought katie this cowgirl jacket at a stock show. pretty stinkin' cute with the boots.

be sure to notice the bling factor on the pockets.

praise God for the sunshine today! i jogged in shorts and didn't end up needing the gloves and earwarmer i packed. so happy about that!

look at this big fat bunny.

i think it is happy for the warmer temperatures too.
katie wanted to make sure i didn't miss the rabbit.

pardon the blurriness of these photos. i'm trying to figure out the new camera WITHOUT reading the directions.