Friday, April 30, 2010

Lucky 7

Abbey is 7 years old. Her birthday was Thursday, but we celebrated on Friday. She chose to go to Double Dip for a poochie cone. Her she is waiting for her cone.
CrAzY eYeS!

Yes, I forced the dog to wear the party hat I made for K's birthday. It is nice to have one child that can't reject your handmade craftiness. And now the cone is gone!

Party guests included:




Mommy (not pictured - which may be the best thing about being the photographer.)

and Katie

Love these pics. Grandma made a comment about how ladylike and careful Katie was while eating her cone.

Things did get a lil' bit unladylike at the end. It was a night I was glad I carry around a 200 lb. diaper bag with a spare outfit in it. Being prepared finally pays!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hoppy Easter

I tried to teach Katie the meaning of the holiday this year. Pretty sure she missed the point somewhat. During my explanation of Christ's resurrection she chimed in with, "I like chicks." I'll keep trying.

This is the first year we have attempted egg dyeing with the Kate. Now we know she doesn't mind the taste of vinegar.

Egg dyeing at Aunt Diane's

I don't think Katie was the only one tasting the dye. Bryce was sampling it too.

The glamour girl awaits the arrival of her glamour cousins at Grandma and Granddad's.

A family photo at Grandma and Granddad's

Brisket, ham, baked potato, roll, green bean casserole, and salad

Egg dyeing round 2

Egg threats

Jon taught Katie to say, "Daddy's handsome." Yes, he is!

Strawberry-orange shortcake tart (I forgot the salt! Oops!)

After church, we drove to a scenic area to take pictures of K in her fancy ensemble. Of course she does her cutest pose in front of the parked cars!


Katie's ready for a swim - ha!

Egg hunt at my Aunt Diane's. I wonder how Katie convinced Bryce to put eggs in her basket.

Here is the best group shot of my family. A little different from our posed shot with Jon's family. Ha!

Easter Basket

Here is the annual Easter basket photograph and the prior two for comparison.




Friday, April 2, 2010

painted piggies

This is a big first for our girly-girl. She sat super still while I applied the polish. Katie selected Opi's Elephantastic Pink. I think she chose it for the name. Just like I do.