Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's not half chewed vitamins spit in the closet, but it's close.

I used to hide my Flintstone vitamins under my tongue and then spit them behind the dresser in my closet.

I USED to be able to only imagine my mother's shock upon discovering the half decomposed bodies of the Flintstone family.

But today I found this...

Look up there on the bookcase...

To the right of her head...

Are those....


Yes, Katie has started her own little bandaid collection.

I am just thankful I know they all came from her boo-boos.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

P B & J

Katie's first ever (all natural, no sugar added, organic) peanut butter and (organic) jelly sandwich. She ate two bites. For her, that is a sign she liked it. Actually the fact that she was willing to touch it is amazing. You could say she is a picky eater.